Whether you're a fully qualified marketing manager, or you're just starting out, the key to staying ahead in an ever-changing digital landscape is continuous learning. Those who have a marketing degree or a similar field will know that, unlike some professions, the learning doesn't stop there. As new technology is developed and the online landscape continues to grow, marketing strategies must constantly change in order to stay relevant.
People who are successful in digital marketing stay ahead of the curve when it comes to algorithm updates, the latest consumer data, and emerging technologies. Not only do they need to be aware of the latest trends ‐ but they also need to gain enough of an understanding to evaluate them for their own brands.
Thankfully, these are all topics covered across various marketing blogs. To get you up to speed, we've put together a list of some of our favourites for you to bookmark.
For those not familiar with Unbounce, it is a platform that helps marketers to create, convert, integrate, and optimise landing pages. The Unbounce blog contains a range of posts covering these topics, many of which include scientifically-proven tips and best practices when it comes to landing pages. The blog is also home to various webinars and virtual events.
If you have a question about inbound marketing, HubSpot usually has the answer. On the HubSpot blog, you'll find everything from data-driven posts and case studies to templates, guides, and expert opinions. HubSpot also provides free marketing tools and downloadable resources, as well as offering a range of digital marketing courses and certifications ‐ a great way to expand your CV.
Founded by content marketer, entrepreneur, author, and speaker, Joe Pulizzi, the CMI blog is your go-to for content marketing and copywriting advice. New guides and templates are added daily, providing advice on how content can help your brand. CMI's events ‐ also available to view online ‐ have previously hosted keynote speakers such as Mark Hamill, Tina Fey, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
You may know Buffer as a social media scheduling app, but its blog is perhaps even more popular. Posts discuss the latest social media tools, analytics, and strategies for Twitter, Facebook, and other social platforms, as well as sharing hints, tips, tricks, and best practices to help you to stay ahead of the curve.
The Econsultancy blog is great for any marketing professional, but specifically for those in the e-commerce industry. This data-driven digital marketing blog offers practical advice for brands looking to better market themselves online. Advice from Econsultancy is to follow best practices, while also integrating innovative trends.
As its title suggests, the BigCommerce blog also has an e-commerce focus. Whether you're looking to learn more about e-commerce design, payment processors, or best shipping practices, BigCommerce keeps you updated on what's happening in the industry. The blog's visual posts are also great for breaking down more complex topics.
To be a successful digital marketer, it's essential that you understand the importance of SEO, and The Moz blog helps you to stay on top of its ever-changing guidelines, rules, and regulations. The ‘Beginner's Guide to SEO' blog is a great starting point for those who are keen to learn how they can better integrate SEO into their overall marketing plan. We particularly love their ‘Whiteboard Friday' video tutorials.
Search Google with a question about marketing and you'll likely see a result from Neil Patel. As well as being a New York Times bestselling author, he was ranked a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by Barack Obama, and a top 10 marketer by Forbes. Neil is also the founder of QuickSprout and Kissmetrics and has vast experience in the marketing sphere. He shares his knowledge of insightful posts on his digital marketing blog.
Like the rest of the digital landscape, social media platforms are changing all the time ‐ and Social Media Examiner is one of our favourite spaces on the web for keeping up to date. The blog contains posts for both beginners and experienced marketers, including step-by-step instructions on how to leverage social media marketing and use various social networks to your advantage.
If you're working with Google Ads, there's no better place to gain a good understanding of PPC advertising than on Google's official blog. Offering news, tips, and general information about its advertising platform, each post is guaranteed to provide you with valuable insight. The blog also announces any new features and changes made to Google's existing platforms.
If you are looking to improve your marketing knowledge we recommend sitting on one of our online courses. Learn from industry experts the skills that will make you stand out in this competitive job market.
by Emma Gibbins | 27 Sep 23