How Online Courses Can Improve Your Writing Skills

How Online Courses Can Improve Your Writing Skills

In today's job market, professional writing skills are increasingly important in the eyes of employers. Learning to write clearly and efficiently not only demonstrates our ability to explain and refine our ideas to others - but can also help us to express ourselves, preserve our thoughts and memories, and inspire change.

But as with every skill, it takes time to perfect your writing techniques and hone the craft. Read on for a taster of our most popular training courses online. 

How can I improve my writing skills?

Writing is a skill that can throw a lot of people, especially if they don't have a lot of experience. But the good news is that everyone can improve their writing skills. Here are a couple of strategies:

  • Start with basics by understanding grammar and punctuation.
  • Diversify your reading material.
  • Learn from your favourite writers.
  • Make writing a hobby by starting a blog.
  • Ask for tips from professional editors.
  • Join a workshop, evening class, or online course.

What is the best online writing course?

Good Grammar and Punctuation

This one-day course takes you back to basics and is ideal for anyone who feels their written work sometimes lets them down. As well as mastering the correct use of English grammar, you'll learn how to better structure sentences, use tenses appropriately and avoid punctuation mistakes.  


Learning how to craft engaging copy for marketing platforms is a sought-after skill in the digital age ‐ and this copywriting course will show you how to do just that. Over two days, your trainer will teach you how to become more persuasive in your writing, how to get great ideas and turn them into copy, and how to write for a range of different platforms.

Report Writing

Improve the clarity and structure of your business communications in a day with this report writing course. You'll learn how to write clear, concise reports that convey your message effectively, free from ambiguity, starting with how to overcome writer's block in order to generate great ideas. This course also covers various report writing styles, including persuasive, informative, evaluative, and technical writing. 

Creative Writing For Business

Another course for anyone looking to enhance their skills for business ‐ this time through creative writing. The trainer of this one-day course takes you through a series of creative exercises to ensure your business writing isn't boring and jumps off the page. You'll learn how to create the written tone, understand language, personality, tone of voice, and how to grab your audience's attention.

Writing for the Web Intro

Perhaps you've had your writing published in print and now you're looking to tackle the online sphere, or you need advice on how to improve your personal blog. Whatever your background, this introduction to web writing course teaches you to write effective, easy-to-read, engaging copy for your online readers that will keep them scrolling and clicking. You'll learn everything from how to engage skimming readers on how to drive traffic to your website and the basics of SEO.

What can I learn from this writing course?

Whether you're hoping to pursue a career in writing, or you need assistance drafting resumes and cover letters, our online training courses are a great starting point. As well as helping delegates to build a strong foundation of content writing and copywriting skills, they will also teach you the important elements of composition and style that will improve all of your written communication from report writing to job applications.

If you would like to improve your writing skills, take a look at all of our courses. Our writing trainers range from journalists to authors to marketing experts therefore you will always be in the best hands to get your writing to a professional standard.

by Emma Gibbins | 27 Sep 23

3 Interesting Courses For You


from £429 + VAT

2 day course
Master the craft of creating engaging copy for various marketing platforms.

Learn tips and tricks to come up with fresh ideas that will get your writing noticed.

  • The art of persuasive writing
    Enhance writing speed and quality
    Generating compelling ideas
    Develop a multi-channel strategy
    Proofreading and editing techniques

Good Grammar and Punctuation

from £329 + VAT

1 day course
This course is ideal for anyone looking to gain confidence and improve their writing.

Master the correct use of English grammar and accurate punctuation.

  • Mastering sentence construction
    Understanding punctuation rules
    Crafting sentences and paragraphs
    Using different tenses
    Nailing apostrophes and plurals

Report Writing          

from £329 + VAT

1 day course
Learn to write clear, concise reports that convey your message effectively.

Discover techniques that will improve the clarity and structure of your reports.

  • Plan effectively for your audience
    Structure your writing for clarity
    Write concisely for maximum impact
    Create clear and effective messages
    Edit and proofread for mistake-free work