Outsourcing your IT support function can be extremely cost-effective. For some organisations it can both save money and improve efficiency. If you are considering the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing IT support, here are some reasons why it might work for you:
1. You can build a strong relationship with your external IT support company and ensure they have a detailed understanding of your IT requirements.
2. Most external IT support companies offer 24/7 phone support and remote access services, making it easier to get problems fixed outside normal office hours.
3. Moving your IT support to an external company frees up your IT staff for other tasks.
4. You won't be reliant on one person or a small team to solve your IT issues. You will have an entire outsourced IT company working on your behalf. This should lead to better continuity meaning it's less likely your systems will be down for very long.
5. You can negotiate exactly the support you want at a price that works for you.
Many IT support companies also offer consultancy and strategy support. Their primary goal is to ensure that your IT service runs smoothly with minimal downtime but they can also offer advice to ‘future-proof' your IT systems.
You probably know how each department in your business works. What you probably don't have is the specialist knowledge that each member of your team brings to their job. An IT support company can employ specialist staff with this kind of detailed knowledge and spread the cost of employing them across a range of customers. This means that they are often in a position to solve very specific problems as they employ people with specialised skills. This isn't always possible with an in-house IT team. In addition, an external IT support company can help you develop a technology roadmap. A detailed technology roadmap can help you align your IT projects with your strategic priorities and plan for the long term. This means you can move forward with confidence and avoid costly IT mistakes.
We all know how quickly the world is changing - particularly the world of technology. Nearly 80% of the global population now has a smartphone. The last decade has seen the explosion of cloud computing and the growth, reach and marketing power of social media. Employees are asking for more flexible working as the popularity of working from home has grown during the pandemic. Zoom and Microsoft Teams are here to stay. All of this adds to the pressure on internal IT teams - many of whom are struggling to keep up with these changes and don't have the time or resources to anticipate other changes that are in the pipeline. A good external IT support company should have the expertise to identify industry trends and to help you ensure your business is future-proof.
So, if you are considering outsourcing your IT support function, we hope this quick overview has been useful. It's not the right solution for everyone but for many companies it can provide the backup and flexibility that they need. We hope this has given you some food for thought.
by Click Intelligence | 13 Nov 24