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Python Intro | Training Course

Learn the basics of programming with Python.
Take the first step towards becoming a developer in one of the most versatile and in-demand languages.


  Course Dates Venue   Price  
London Bridge £429 + VAT save £70
London Bridge £499 + VAT
London Bridge £499 + VAT

Python Intro | Training Course

Course Takeaways
Course Info

Course Offering

Course Takeaways

What will I learn?

  • Python: writing clean code
  • Using Variables and Types
  • String Manipulation
  • Functions and Modules
  • Handling exceptions
  • Free digital course assets
  • Free post-course helpdesk support
Course Takeaways
Learner Reviews

How good is the course?

  • Average Score 4.8 out of 5
  • Delicious lunch provided
  • Certificate of Achievement
  • 17 reviews

Day One


• Why Python?

• Key features of the latest version

• Installing Python


• Using an IDE

Programming with Python

• PEP8 - Writing clean code

• Keywords for Python 3

• Essential Indentation

• IDE extensions

• Getting help in RELP

• Online Python shell


• Naming variables

• Basic syntax

• Variables as labels

• Type checking

• Primitive variable types


• Formatting Strings

• Handling bulky Strings

• Concatenation

• Output and input

• String methods


• Number types

• Calculations

• Arithmetic Operators

• Number methods

• Type conversion

Custom Operators

• If, Elif and Else

• Boolean Operations: and, or, not

• Comparison Operators


• Defining Functions

• Parameters and Arguments

• Calling Functions

• Performing Tasks

• Returning Values

• Saving Modules

Day Two


• For loop

• For Else

• While Loop

Containers and Sequences

• Advanced datatypes

• List

• Tuple

• Dictionary

• Set


• Handling Exceptions

• Different Exceptions

• Cleaning up

Modules, Packages and Libraries

• Built in modules

• Custom modules

• Popular libraries

• Introduction to OOP

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You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1