There are many factors to consider when filming interviews: light, background, sound, angles, and more. The magic is if you're filming on your own, one camera is enough. Below are some key tips and tricks to ensure the footage you record is interesting and of great quality. Learn some new techniques for filming interviews that will make you stand out from the crowd.
One of the main factors that set a professional production apart from an amateur one is lighting. Here are some points to consider:
Exposure is simply the amount of light that is recorded at any one time. The correct exposure means your subject matter is neither too bright nor too dark. While this may sound simple it can be difficult to get all areas of the image properly exposed.
Your choice of depth of field will determine how much of your image is in focus. A shallower depth of field means that a small area is in focus and the background is blurrier. What is and what isn't in focus will determine where viewers' attention falls.
The depth of field is determined by the size of your camera's sensor and how wide the aperture lens is.
If you ensure the background is slightly out of focus you will draw people's attention to the person you are interviewing. Placing your subject even further away from the background will heighten this effect and will help overcome camera and lens combinations that struggle to achieve a shallow depth of field.
All light has a particular temperature and your camera needs to be set correctly for the local lighting conditions. If the white balance is set incorrectly images will have an undesirable blue or orange hue.
Multiple light sources can make things tricky so you should try to have one type of light source if you can.
Sound quality is often an afterthought on amateur productions but bad sound is an unforgivable mistake. Viewers are much more tolerant of bad image quality than bad sound. Good microphones don't have to be expensive and remember that sound is half your production!
If you are looking for more guided, hands-on experience to improve your footage and learn from some of the UK's top industry experts, you should consider taking our two days Filming and Editing Interviews course in London. Gain the expertise to produce beautifully-crafted and engaging interviews.
by Cristina Moraru | 13 Nov 24