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  Podcasting Intro

What Do Our Learners Think About Our Courses?

Tom Interview
Premiere Intro

 Learner Stories

Tom's Course

Tom works in Internal Communications for an NHS service provider. Listen to his experience about attending our online Adobe Premiere Intro course.

Meija Interview
Social Media Marketing Intro

 Learner Stories

Meija's Course

Meija works for the MOD, in marketing and communications and here tells us about attending her online Social Media Marketing course with Alice.

Katie Interview
Social Media Marketing Intro

 Learner Stories

Katie's Course

Katie works for the Ministry of Defence as a Digital Content Editor and here tells us about attending her online Social Media Marketing course with Kirsty.

"Enaging presentation considering the limitations."
6th February - Microsoft Copilot Introduction

Latest Reviews

"Great Course. Great Tutor. I'd come again for another course."
Hailsham Chambers
  • 6th February

"Teacher was very patient and explained everything in a perfect peace to be understood and practised at the same time. Small class so felt very personal and we could ask questions easily."
  • 6th February

"Understanding everyone was at different levels and being understanding"
Smart Managed Solutions
  • 6th February